Tuesday, September 1, 2020

21. In Search of Excellence

You might have heard about a book with the above title which is about companies that have achieved excellence in performance.

But what about human beings? Are we doing our best? Have we realized how much potential we have for achieving great things? And if we have, what are we going to bring out our hidden potential and make it work for us (as we have made electricity work for us)?

These and many other questions often arise in our minds. We, more often than not, knock them down and put them to rest lest they should disturb us from our slumber, from the state of complacent mediocrity and from the safety of drifting in the current.

Yet, we (at least some of us) sometimes wonder why we can't be better than what we are, why we can't live instead of only be existing. And when people who harbour such thoughts meet, they usually observe an effect of synergy. Even the exchange of such feelings makes each feel much better, stronger, more energetic and more enthusiastic.

If a mere exchange of  wishes and feelings could generate such positive results, what effect can more interaction produce is anybody's guess.

It is proposed to form a group of people interested in self-development and life-enrichment. This group will  meet periodically  and dwell on the task of bringing the best out of everyone. The methodology and other details could be worked out in the first meeting after which the whole process would evolve by itself continuously.

In course of time, the members of their group, apart from developing their personalities through their highly developed potentials, could contribute to the betterment of the organization they work for or are associated with.

There is a very important qualification to join the group. You should have an OPEN MIND.

So, if you are interested (and if you are qualified!), give your name and contact details and we will send you the invite for the first meeting of the Winners' Club

Some possible areas of working:

1. Improving your Skills 

2. Enhancing your Self Confidence.

3. Bringing out your Hidden Talents

4. Improving Efficiency in Your Work

5. Reducing Tension and Managing Stress

6. Improving Interpersonal Relationships

7. Cultivating Better Attitudes 

8. Gaining Knowledge on various topics/fields

9. Finding solutions to  personal problems

10. Generating an Enthusiasm for Life

11. Creative Thinking

12. Many other things possible under the sky

(My introduction to the formation of Winners' Club, a self-improvement group comprising people who had participated in my Self Development program called STYLE - Success Through Your Life Enrichment - The Winners' Club was formed in 1997 and had monthly meetings for about 5 years with the active and enthusiastic participation of many members)

I suggest that such groups be formed by small groups of people interested in self development. The group can meet periodically and have interactions which would benefit all participants.

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